Dynamic compression therapy system for recovery plus rapide and increased performance just got better!.Optional battery pack provides 2.5 hours of continuous use powerful 5,000 mAh/72Wh unit Samsung.

Can be used anywhere in the world, indoors or outdoors, with a voltage independent system and optional battery pack. If you are looking for exclusive Air Relax products online in San Jose, Puerto Limon, Alajuela, Liberia, etc you can find it effortlessly on Ubuy which is a.The shorts recovery kit targets the areas indicated in the diagrams. The compression technique improves blood flow, promotes the movement of lymphatic fluid, helps eliminate lactic acid, reduces inflammation, pain, stiffness and improves flexibility, thus stimulating recovery and improving performance. Compression temporarily restricts blood flow to the area of concern, and when released, nutrient-rich blood rushes to the muscle tissue.

Improvements include autres the ability to extend the operating cycle from 15 to 30 minutes, as well as the optimization of our range of compression modes. This new system can operate on any voltage and offers plus up to 2 hours of continuous use outdoors or on the road with our powerful battery Samsung. The Air Relax PLUS dynamic compression system was designed to meet the needs of the well-traveled athlete who requires a voltage independent system that can operate anywhere in the world without the need for voltage transformers.